While the unique circumstances of the year required new ways of supporting existing and building new partnerships, we remained committed to the broader community of educators of which we are a part.

As our society in general and education specifically faced re-energized calls to address diversity, equity, and inclusion, Faria built partnerships with groups like Teaching Tolerance to provide their Social Justice standards and other resources for schools. We also hosted webinars and created virtual cohorts to provide DEI professional learning.

In an effort to connect with educators, we were able to offer over 200 webinars free of cost with topics pertinent to the needs of educators – ranging from remote learning strategies to shifting in-person curriculum for a remote or hybrid setting. We had over 75 educators share their stories, experiences and expertise through articles, blogs and webinars. We believe that we can learn from one another and look forward to a diverse line up of resources like these in 2021.

The realities of 2020 meant we did not get to participate in-person at our regular conferences, but we remained virtually committed to our partnerships with organizations like State ASCDs, regional educational technology associations like the Lower Hudson River Informational Center (LHRIC), and educators working hard to meet the needs of their learners.

Our team is here and ready to help you tackle whatever 2021 might look like and are already building PD and support materials for transitioning back into the classroom. We’d love to connect to understand exactly how we can best serve your goals!

New Features

We launched AtlasNext in April, bringing to schools a Learning Management System that supports the Curriculum Planning process, and teachers’ everyday work that translates the curriculum plans to learning experiences.

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The recently released OneRoster integration makes syncing user and  course data with your Student Information Systems a breeze.

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In Atlas, we
 created a Lesson Portalto provide a comprehensive view and management of all lessons in any given week.

Take a look at our 2021 Product Roadmap to get a preview of enhancements coming to Atlas!

Our Year in Support

Support Tickets Raised


Positive Satisfaction Rating

Support Calls

Online Trainings


Tickets responded to within 8 hrs

Standards updated


System Uptime


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  • We hosted 158 free webinars – sharing resources globally
  • 10+ events hosted in 2020
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