Years of Experience
3 million +
Standards available
Curriculum Management with Atlas Empowers Alignment, Articulation, and Meaningful Collaboration
Our Team is led by expert educators who support the unique goals of your school or district.

Inspire Student Success with Atlas Curriculum Management
We are the leading curriculum management and lesson planning platform trusted by educators at over 6,000 schools and districts. Develop, review, refine, analyze and share standards-aligned curriculum and lessons, ensuring equitable learning outcomes for all students.
Atlas Highlights

Unit Planning

Customized for Your Curriculum Journey
- Whether you are using the Backward Design Approach or starting unit plans with core content and skills, Atlas is ready to support your unique curriculum design approach.
- Unit planner templates are designed to evolve with your process as you progress in your curriculum journey.
- Requirements and examples for each mapping element can be incorporated into the template to guide teachers through the curriculum writing process.

Browsing Your School-Wide Curriculum
- Within Atlas, your school and district-wide curriculum is one-click away for all teachers, spanning all subjects and grade levels.
- Teachers can easily apply filter with grade, subject, or course.
- Schools can manage different types of designs for the same course by using the curriculum “Map Type”.

Course at a Glance
- Browse your Unit Calendar within your course at a glance.
- Slide the unit length bar to easily adjust the duration of a unit.

One-click Access
- Personalize your Atlas landing page to keep your most frequently-needed pages and essential reports at your fingertips.
- Drag and drop to rearrange the panels on the page.
- Build customized dashboards to support the needs of user groups.

Powerful Global Search
- Every element of your written curriculum by keyword, or hone in on specific standards, units, and resources.
- See in a pie or bar chart where a concept is addressed in the curriculum – and in which subjects, grades, and courses.
- Use variable filters to narrow down your search parameters.

Standards Alignment
- Align and reference from the most comprehensive collection of standards in the industry.
- Search, or use the drill-able menu to find the standards that your unit or assessment is aligned to.
- Track what standards have been targeted and assessed—and how often—in a specific course, while designing new units or assessments.

Track Learning Goals
- Easily track school-wide learning goals (SLOs), 21st Century skills, or life and career skills, and how they are integrated into your curriculum.
- Use visual icons to identify and highlight essential or support standards, or learning goals.
- Seamlessly integrate diverse goals into the unit planner for quick access and alignment.

Assessment Planning and Strategies
- Customize your school’s assessment method list to guide and track assessment practices.
- Gain insights into how those assessment methods are used by various grades and subjects with detailed pie and bar charts.
- Take snapshots of these reports to track changes periodically.

Lesson Planning
- See how different teachers implement unit plans in their own classroom through lesson planning.
- Manage your own lesson templates as a teacher; or build uniform school-created templates that all teachers use.
- Easily select from target standards in a unit and add resources for each lesson.
- Send lesson plans from Atlas to your Google Classroom to share with students!

Turn Curriculum Data into Powerful Insights
- See where standards and other learning goals are taught and assessed across grade levels to make sure students are reaching learning targets for successful transitions.
- Easily run reports across your curriculum for gaps and redundancies, standards alignment, scope and sequence, and interdisciplinary connections.
- Apply findings to determine ways to modify and supplement your curriculum with resources and instructional planning.
Vertical and Horizontal Scope and Sequence
- Build scope and sequence documents across different grades for the same discipline; or across different disciplines for the same grade.
- Quickly identify opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration.
- Recognize gaps and repetitions in your curriculum and make adjustments.
Comparative Unit Calendar
- View the unit calendar for multiple courses, all at once.
- Select units directly from the calendar view to compare the details of these units.
- Pinpoint common themes and opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration.
Enhance Communication through Comments & Discussions
- Leave notes to yourself during the process of curriculum writing and refinement.
- Post notes for others to offer resources, ideas for collaboration, and feedback.
- Engage in online discussions about a course, a unit, or a report.

- Log in to Atlas using Google, Office 365, Clever credentials, or your school’s ADFS accounts
ManageBac Integrations
- Seamlessly add, browse and edit Atlas with ManageBac Classes
- Extend Atlas units into the classroom with assessment tasks & resources in the ManageBac stream
Google Suite for Education Integration
- Use the Google picker to select files from your Cloud drives
- Easily push lessons created in Atlas to your Google Classroom
LTI Integration
- Atlas can be integrated into any LTI-ready Learning Platform as an LTI tool, such as Canvas, Schoology, and many others
OneRoster Ready
- Sync with Student Information Systems through Classlink Integration
- Directly import OneRoster ready data

Atlas AI
- Use AI to help build unit content based off your standards / goals.
- The AI will use your unit name, course name and grade, standards aligned, area of interest (i.e. Enduring Understanding, Essential Questions) to provide your users a starting point.
- With an open area for additional comments or instructions, the AI can create the content to be "student friendly", or in other languages or to provide additional context.
- Collaborators and users can see when AI was used to provide full visibility and transparency on it's use throughout Atlas
Atlas AI is live! Contact your dedicated Account Manager or schedule a demo to learn more.

Atlas Learn is an on demand, asynchronous professional development platform designed to empower educators to take ownership of their own learning.
From the ‘how-to’ to the why it matters, courses for every educator.
Individuals can work at their own speed as they explore a variety of topics centered around Atlas ‘How-to’, unit development and student engagement.

AtlasLearn Bundle
Includes access to all coursesSeamless collaboration with key stakeholders in curriculum development backed up by world class PD
Atlas supports every step of the student journey from the superintendent to the parents at home. Explore each stakeholder’s journey!



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