Check out the infographic or read the blog by clicking here!

The Why

Over the past couple of years, we focused on planning in August, and, in September, we hit the ground with integrity, intent, patience, and an internal motto of “we will win”.

In my experiences working in PBIS/RTI schools, the schools have really solid school-wide systems in place. I can walk around and ask students what the expectations are, and they are able to tell me. They understand and are motivated by the reward systems in place and they are excited about earning those rewards. Schools have assemblies, celebrations, spirit weeks, character lessons, family nights, team building activities, and classrooms where students are learning and feeling safe.

Moving to the next level of support for our students who are not maintaining/progressing at the same rate as their peers, behaviorally, is where it gets tough and the work gets murky. This is the point of the process where many schools have the meetings in which people ask, “what are other schools doing and how can we bring it here?” We have all participated in the trainings where we leave with notebooks full of brainstorming, new ideas, and inspiration. Then we get back to our sites and are met with our day-to-day lives and realities and the notebook is thrown in a file and the file labeled for later.

The What

Our school had the problem of practice: people were doing amazing work in silos. Our educators, counselors, support staff, and social workers were working hard for our kids, but we needed to work better together and we needed to start capitalizing on the strengths in the building as a team. Staff were getting depleted, and secondary trauma was having an effect on adult moral.

We decided to get the team together and begin to outline what was happening in the building and think about how we can systematize our interventions and hopefully begin to put the interventions into levels. Our process is a work in progress, but as a team

The How

See the infographic by clicking here!

How is your school managing its behavior intervention process? Email us at [email protected]. We’d love to work with you to share your story!

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