Professional Development for Schools
Session Topics & Offerings
Delivering PD for 10+ Years
All of the sessions below are typically delivered over a 2-hour virtual session or combined to create a full day onsite PD agenda. Our team strives to deliver sessions through a mix of content facilitation and interactive participant engagement.

Course Catalog
We believe strong PD is built around clear objectives and deliverables
All of the sessions below are typically delivered over a 2-hour virtual session or combined to create a full day onsite PD agenda. Our team strives to deliver sessions through a mix of content facilitation and interactive participant engagement.
⭐ Denotes the most popular sessions.
Leadership & Process
Title | Outcomes |
1 :
Leadership Level 1 Series: Beginning, Refreshing or Restarting ⭐
Sample agenda
2 :
Leadership Level 2 Series: Continuing the Working ⭐
Sample agenda
3 :
Overview of Building a Curriculum Process
4 :
Leveraging Atlas Templates and Features to Meet Curricular Goals
Curriculum Development
Title | Outcomes |
5 :
Benefits of Curriculum Mapping: Why Map?
7 :
Atlas Refresher for Administrators and Leaders
8 :
Series: Curriculum Writing ⭐
Sample agenda
9 :
Foundations of Curriculum Writing: A Backwards Design Approach
10 :
Series: Selecting Power Standards at the School or District Level
11 :
Foundations of Standards
15 :
Assess Learning: Develop Quality Assessments Multisession Series
16 :
High Level Overview of Formative and Summative Assessment
17 :
The Learning Plan
18 :
Create Lessons Aligned to Unit Plans
19 :
Update the Curriculum with a Culturally Relevant Lens
Curriculum Review
Title | Outcomes |
20 :
In this advanced series, sessions will include a brief refresher of the steps in a review cycle and hands on experience in completing a cycle with a specific focus. Participants should plan to work with their team between sessions and come prepared to make decisions through collaborative conversations |
21 :
Overview of a 5 Step Curriculum Review Cycle
22 :
Using Reports in Atlas to Review Curriculum
Reports technical training included in Premium Support
23 :
Quality Unit Review
24 :
Prepare for a New Academic Year: Course Review
Instructional Approaches
Title | Outcomes |
25 :
Early Childhood: Unit Developmen
26 :
Early Childhood: Phonological Awareness
27 :
Series: Unit Planning to Support English Language Development
Sample agenda
28 :
Standards & Learning Goals for Language Development
29 :
Create Assessments for Multilingual Learners
30 :
Develop Learning Plans for Multilingual Learners
31 :
Scaffolding Instruction
32 :
Planning for Differentiation

With each package your team will receive:
- The specified number of sessions or onsite days
- Consultative hours with a PD facilitator to discuss the PD agenda, goals, timeline, and next steps in the broader PD plan
- One facilitator with a maximum of 60 participants per session or day
*For onsite days, out-of-pocket travel expenses for the facilitator are not a part of the cost listed below and billed separately after the onsite.
If you are looking for sessions that support ongoing professional learning, virtual or hybrid packages are a great way to create a cohesive plan that builds teacher capacity by having multiple touch points throughout the year.
- 3 virtual professional development sessions (2 hours each)
- 2 consultative hours
- 5 virtual professional development sessions (2 hours each)
- 4 consultative hours
- 8 virtual professional development sessions (2 hours each)
- 6 consultative hours
- 12 virtual professional development sessions (2 hours each)
- 10 consultative hours
Our team will visit your school or district for tailored onsite PD. Whether it is a one day event or part of a broader plan, we can customize the learning to meet your needs!
- 1 day onsite
- 2 concurrent days onsite
- 2 days onsite
- 3 concurrent days onsite
- 3 days onsite
Create your own Hybrid PD Package
Maybe you want to have a mix of onsite and virtual – no problem! Our team will work with you to create a customized PD Plan.
Some of the popular add-ons to an onsite package include:
- 5 consultative or coaching hours: $1,000
- 10 consultative or coaching hours: $1,960
- 3 Virtual Sessions: $3,100
- 5 Virtual Sessions: $5,000

Consultation and Coaching
A Partner Along your Journey
Our team of facilitators are here to support your curriculum work and provide the extra momentum you need to keep moving the work forward.

Consultation for Leaders
These sessions provide school or district leaders with a fresh perspective on a variety of topics.
Potential topics:
- Discuss a long term plan for curriculum writing.
- Explore reports to analyze your current curriculum.
- Adapt or revise your next steps in your curriculum review process.
- Brainstorm your accreditation preparation and how Atlas can help.
- Update your unit or lesson plan templates.
- Create a unit style guide that aligns to your school’s or district goals.

Curriculum Coaching for Teachers
Ideal sessions for providing real time support for small groups of teachers or curriculum writers.
Potential topics:
- Review one unit together and provide specific feedback on unit content.
- Support teacher planning sessions or PLC meetings in real-time by answering questions around unit planning.
- Discuss teacher specific reports that are helpful in the curriculum review process.
- Orient new teachers to Atlas and walk through Atlas as it relates to their role.
- Explore the basics of unit writing and development.

Supporting Curriculum Transitions
As schools transition from one Curriculum Leader to another, Atlas offers two options to support a seamless process both for outgoing and incoming leadership. Our team of consultants will work with:
- Outgoing Leadership (Curriculum Leader, Director, Principal) to update Atlas with any outstanding work that is complete, clarify messaging to staff, organize the curriculum process currently in place, identify and build a team’s curriculum capacity, and document the process for the incoming person(s) designated to take over curriculum responsibilities.
- Incoming Leadership to onboard a new Curriculum Leader and support them as they unpack the current plan for curriculum documentation, plan for continuous improvement, and identify future areas of focus and growth.

Packages for Coaching and Consultation

AtlasLearn is an on demand, asynchronous professional development platform designed to empower educators to take ownership of their own learning.

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